Established in 1994, WindWalker Pugs® was founded on the belief with hard work, dedication, and commitment, we could breed Pugs to the AKC Standard.
As an American Kennel Club (AKC) Breeder of Merit, we are focused on breeding quality AKC registered Pugs, to the AKC Pug Standard. We are members of the Pug Dog Club of America (PDCA), the Gig Harbor Kennel Club (All Breed), and we are also members of the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC). We show our Pugs in AKC and CKC, Conformation events. We breed only those Pugs we feel will contribute to the breed. We also strive to learn more about the Pug breed by attending seminars and presentations to enhance our knowledge of their daily care, and health concerns.
Our current project for the on-going betterment of the breed, is having all our Pugs screened through DNA testing for the genes that make Pugs susceptible for the fatal condition Necrotizing meningoencephalitis (NME), also known as Pug dog encephalitis, or PDE. PDE is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system that is usually progressive and fatal. Several genetic markers are associated with risk of developing NME/PDE.
We are also now testing our Pugs for: 1) Degenerative myelopathy (DM) is an inherited neurologic disorder of dogs characterized by gradual muscle wasting and loss of coordination typically beginning in the hind limbs; and, 2) Pyruvate kinase deficiency (PKDef) is an inherited hemolytic anemia caused by a defect in the enzyme pyruvate kinase. Signs in affected dogs may include lack of energy and fatigue in dogs that appear otherwise fit.
These DNA tests are now available for all Pugs through the Animal Research Lab at UC Davis. More information on the test and how to get one for your Pug, is available on their web site.
We will now only do a breeding a litter if at least one Pug has been tested clear for the susceptibility gene, thus preventing any of our Pugs from producing a pup with two copies of the gene. This test is a fantastic tool, only made possible by the research paid for by PDCA's Pug Health Fund and the AKC's Canine Health Foundation. As part of our commitment, we, as members, will continue to support the Pug Dog Club of America's Health Fund, as well as Pug Rescue organizations throughout the US.
We have personally rescued, as well as assisted in the rescue of Pugs and other mixed breed dogs since before we bred our first litter.
As exhibitors, we have been successful in the show ring. Top 20 Specials, and breeding and/or owning over 40 AKC and/or CKC Champions to date. More importantly, we have received more from these wonderful little creatures in our lives than words can ever say. We try to give back, by participating in our local AKC all-breed club and promoting responisble dog ownership and sports in our community. Pugs are friendly, loving, loyal, faithful, fickle, funny, quirky, playful and stoic. They give us far more than a few dog show ribbons.
We occasionally have Available Pugs. We sell those pups that have not met our expectations for showing and/or breeding, as well as those we decide no to breed again, to loving homes. We sell them so they may enjoy life in a household where they will receive more individual attention than we can give to each one if they all were to stay here as part of our gang.
All pet Pugs sold by us are spayed/neutered prior to leaving or they are sold on a spay/neuter contract. All our Pugs have also been microchipped. We require a contract, outlining the terms and conditions for their required care, and a provision that the dog be returned to us, if for any reason the buyer(s) cannot keep it.
We do this, not to control the buyers after the sale, but to provide a safety net for the dogs we are responsible for and to help ensure they live happy, healthy lives. We believe this is our responsibility, as breeders, to each Pug we bring into the world. This also means we are available to help you, should the need arise, long after you buy the Pug. We only breed our Pugs when we want another show puppy or two, and we only sell show dogs (intact Pugs) to those established show homes that we are personally acquainted with, or come highly recommended to us by a mutual friend.
We want each of our Pugs to live out their lives as valued household members. We are not as interested in how many are finished champions, as we are in knowing they are loved and cherished family members.
As part of our commitment to provide solutions to both pet owners and breeders, we are proud to be Life's Abundance
Independent Field Representatives.
We provide a gift bag of products for all our Pugs when they go to a new home.
If you have any questions, about our dogs or our policies, feel free to email us at:
We always welcome, comments, questions and/or suggestions!
We hope you enjoy your visit to our site. Thank you for taking the time to visit Our Gang, at WindWalker Pugs!
Copyright 2015 - 2023 WindWalker Pugs. All rights reserved.